Rettung für eure Haare! Monatelang habe ich ein teures Produkt nach dem anderen probiert, die Lösung für meine extrem trockenen Spitzen war allerdings trotzdem nicht dabei. Schon halb aufgebend - ganz nach dem Motto: "Mit Geld kann man sich nunmal keine schönen Spitzen kaufen" - kam dieses Produkt daher! Die "Elvital Total Repair Extreme Anti Spliss Kur". Es war ein letzter verzweifelter Versuch - und es hat funktioniert!
Die Kur ist ein kleines Doppelkonzentrat, das nicht lange hält, aber wenigstens hält, was es verspricht! Seidige, glänzende Haare. Das wollte ich und das bekomme ich mit diesem Produkt - und das für einen nichtmal so hohen Preis.
Klar, wenn Spliss einmal da ist, hilft nur noch abschneiden. Alles andere ist eine Illusion. Aber diese Kur zaubert zumindest schön geschmeidige Spitzen, auch wenn sie kaputt sind. Dass da eine Menge Silikone mitspielen ist mir klar. Aber meine kräftigen, dicken Haare vertragen's. Es ist einfach eine Übergangslösung.
Salvation for your hair! For months I tried one expensive product after the other, but never found the right thing for my bone dry spliss ends. I almost gave up, thinking that no money can buy nice and shiny hair. But then the "Elvital Total Repair Extreme Anti Spliss Treatment" came! It was my last desperate attempt and it worked!
The treatment is a double concentrate - only a small amount so it doesn't last long. But at least it doesn't make false promises. Silky, shiny hair. That was what I wanted and I got it and it's not even expensive.
Of course, you can never really repair spliss ends, the only thing that really helps is to cut it. Everything else is an illusion. But this hair treatment is giving your hair at least some silkyness and healthy shine. Of course a lot of silicones are involved in this. My strong and thick hair can take that though. It's just a nice temporary solution.
Salvamento para os vossos cabelos! Por mesos tentei produtos caros, mas nada ajudou com o meu cabelo seco. Quase perdi a esperança e pensava "dinheiro não pode comprar cabelo giro". Mas então encontrou o "Elvital Total Repair Extreme Anti Spliss" tratamento. Foi a minha tentativa última e funcionou!
O tratamento é concentrado duplo e não dura muito longo, mas cumpre a promessa - cabelo brilhante e macio. Isso é o que é que eu estava a procurar e encontrei. Nem mesmo é caro!
Naturalmente não é possível reparar cabelo seco completamente, só cortar o cabelo pode ajudar neste caso. Mas pelo menos este tratamento dá brilho e maleabilidade ao cabelo. Obviamente muitos silicones são envolvidos, mas o meu cabelo pode aguentar isso. O tratamento é uma solução temporário.
#fashionrrriot: in love with ASOS backpack
Spontane Liebe! Dieser Rucksack von ASOS hat es mir angetan. Fransen, echtes Leder... einfach lässig. Der muss es sein!
Spontaneous love! This backpack by ASOS is perfect. Fringes, real suede ... simply cool. It's got to be!
Amor espontâneo! Esta mochila da ASOS é perfeita. Cadilhos, camurça genuína... simplemente fixe. Tem de ser!
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via ASOS |
Spontaneous love! This backpack by ASOS is perfect. Fringes, real suede ... simply cool. It's got to be!
Amor espontâneo! Esta mochila da ASOS é perfeita. Cadilhos, camurça genuína... simplemente fixe. Tem de ser!
#fashionrrriot: Birkenstock meets fashion
Noch nie waren Sandalen im altbekannten Birkenstock-Style so gehyped wie in diesem Sommer. Letztes Jahr fing's mit den pelzigen Céline Latschen an, inzwischen sieht man sie überall, von ASOS über H&M bis ZARA.
Ohne mich weit aus dem Fenster lehnen zu wollen, aber: Ich habe mein erstes Birkenstock-Paar im Jahr 2010 in New York gekauft - nicht als bequeme Hausschuhe, sondern als Straßenschuhe. Einfach, weil ich es schon immer stylish fand. Diese Ökolatschen hatten es mir angetan.
Dass nun - ein paar Jahre später - der absolute Birkenstock-Hype selbst in High Fashion Kreisen losgebrochen ist zeigt mir nur, dass ich damals schon richtig lag.
Manche mögen mit Argumenten, wie "hässlich und kein bisschen sexy" oder "kann man nur als Hippie Mutter aus Friedrichshain tragen", kommen. Aber wir Frauen wollen doch gar nicht immer sexy sein. Es soll darum gehen, dass man sich in seinem Outfit wohl fühlt und sich nicht täglich einen Hallux Valgus in zu engen 14cm-Absätzen heranzüchtet.
Also: Ich sage ganz klar JA zu Ökolatschen meets fashion - ein kleines Augenzwinkern ist sowieso immer dabei!
Birkenstock sandals have never been so hyped as in this upcoming summer season. Last year Céline started the hype with their furry slippers, now you see them everywhere: ASOS, H&M, ZARA....
I don't want to show off (hello irony), but I bought my first pair of Birkenstock sandals in 2010 in New York. Not because I wanted them as house slippers, but for outside of the house. Just because I always thought that they look quite stylish.
Now - a few years later - the absolute Birkenstock hype has broken out even in the high fashion and that shows me that I was already right in 2010.
Some may say things like "ugly and unsexy" or "only wearable if you're a hippie mum", but do women really always want to look sexy? I don't think so. It's about feeling comfortable and self-confident in your shoes and not about ruining your feet in high heels just to please men.
So: I clearly say YES to Birkenstock meets fashion - usually with a little irony still.
Sandálias da Birkenstock nunca foram um hype demasiado como agora. No ano pasado a Céline começou o hype e agora podes ver sandálias no estilo da Birkenstock em todas as lojas: ASOS, H&M, ZARA....
Não quero gabar-me (olá ironia!), mas já comprei sandálias da Birkenstock no ano 2010 em Nova Iorque. Não comprei como chinelos, mas como sandálias. Só acho que são muitos chiques.
Agora - uns anos depois - um Birkenstock-hype inigualável instalou-se até na high fashion e isso prova que tive razão no ano 2010.
Alguns se calhar poderiam dizer coisas como "feias e não sexy" ou "só para hippies", mas não penso que mulheres querem sempre ser sexy. Queremos sentar-nos confiantes e confortáveis e não precisamos saltos de 14 cm para parecer atraente.
Então: Absolutamente digo SIM ao "Birkenstock meets fashion" - com um pouco de ironia também.
Ohne mich weit aus dem Fenster lehnen zu wollen, aber: Ich habe mein erstes Birkenstock-Paar im Jahr 2010 in New York gekauft - nicht als bequeme Hausschuhe, sondern als Straßenschuhe. Einfach, weil ich es schon immer stylish fand. Diese Ökolatschen hatten es mir angetan.
Dass nun - ein paar Jahre später - der absolute Birkenstock-Hype selbst in High Fashion Kreisen losgebrochen ist zeigt mir nur, dass ich damals schon richtig lag.
Manche mögen mit Argumenten, wie "hässlich und kein bisschen sexy" oder "kann man nur als Hippie Mutter aus Friedrichshain tragen", kommen. Aber wir Frauen wollen doch gar nicht immer sexy sein. Es soll darum gehen, dass man sich in seinem Outfit wohl fühlt und sich nicht täglich einen Hallux Valgus in zu engen 14cm-Absätzen heranzüchtet.
Also: Ich sage ganz klar JA zu Ökolatschen meets fashion - ein kleines Augenzwinkern ist sowieso immer dabei!
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via H&M |
Birkenstock sandals have never been so hyped as in this upcoming summer season. Last year Céline started the hype with their furry slippers, now you see them everywhere: ASOS, H&M, ZARA....
I don't want to show off (hello irony), but I bought my first pair of Birkenstock sandals in 2010 in New York. Not because I wanted them as house slippers, but for outside of the house. Just because I always thought that they look quite stylish.
Now - a few years later - the absolute Birkenstock hype has broken out even in the high fashion and that shows me that I was already right in 2010.
Some may say things like "ugly and unsexy" or "only wearable if you're a hippie mum", but do women really always want to look sexy? I don't think so. It's about feeling comfortable and self-confident in your shoes and not about ruining your feet in high heels just to please men.
So: I clearly say YES to Birkenstock meets fashion - usually with a little irony still.
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via ZARA |
Sandálias da Birkenstock nunca foram um hype demasiado como agora. No ano pasado a Céline começou o hype e agora podes ver sandálias no estilo da Birkenstock em todas as lojas: ASOS, H&M, ZARA....
Não quero gabar-me (olá ironia!), mas já comprei sandálias da Birkenstock no ano 2010 em Nova Iorque. Não comprei como chinelos, mas como sandálias. Só acho que são muitos chiques.
Agora - uns anos depois - um Birkenstock-hype inigualável instalou-se até na high fashion e isso prova que tive razão no ano 2010.
Alguns se calhar poderiam dizer coisas como "feias e não sexy" ou "só para hippies", mas não penso que mulheres querem sempre ser sexy. Queremos sentar-nos confiantes e confortáveis e não precisamos saltos de 14 cm para parecer atraente.
Então: Absolutamente digo SIM ao "Birkenstock meets fashion" - com um pouco de ironia também.
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Vagabond via ASOS |
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